Strategies for building a strong and lasting marriages

Strategies for Building a Strong and Lasting Marriages

In the journey of life, marriage is a beautiful chapter that unfolds between two individuals. It’s a bond that requires love, respect, and constant nurturing. If you’ve been pondering on “how to be a better wife” or “improving as a wife”, this article is for you

Marriage is not just a legal or religious contract, but a partnership of growth, love, and mutual respect. According to a study by the American Psychological Association, a happy marriage can lead to a longer, healthier life.

However, building a strong marriage requires effort from both partners. As a wife, there are several ways you can contribute to strengthening this bond.

Firstly, understanding and acknowledging your role in the marriage is crucial. This doesn’t mean conforming to traditional or stereotypical roles, but rather defining your own role based on your strengths, interests, and the needs of your marriage. Secondly, effective communication is key.

This involves not only expressing your own thoughts and feelings but also listening to your husband’s. Lastly, showing appreciation for each other can significantly strengthen your bond.

Understanding Your Role

Happy couple

Being a wife is not just about sharing a home or raising children together. It’s about being a partner in every sense of the word. Understand that your husband deserves a better wife, and strive to be that person.

As a wife, your role in the marriage is multifaceted. You are a companion, a confidante, a partner in parenting, and a teammate in managing all aspects of home life. This role is not defined by societal norms or expectations, but by the unique dynamics of your relationship with your husband.

According to a study by the University of Denver, couples who share responsibilities have a more satisfying and less conflict-ridden relationship. Sharing responsibilities doesn’t necessarily mean splitting every task 50/50, but rather finding a balance that works for both of you.

This could mean taking turns to cook, sharing financial responsibilities, or alternating who gets up at night for the baby.

Understanding your role also means recognizing and respecting your husband’s role. This involves acknowledging his efforts, appreciating his contributions, and providing support when he needs it. Remember, a marriage is a partnership, and every partnership thrives on mutual respect and understanding.

Striving to be a better wife doesn’t mean being perfect. It means being the best version of yourself for the person you love. It means being understanding, patient, and forgiving. It means being there for your husband in good times and in bad, in sickness and in health, in joy and in sorrow.

Communication is Key


One of the most important aspects of a strong marriage is effective communication. Learn to express your feelings and thoughts openly and honestly, and encourage your husband to do the same.

Communication is the lifeline of any relationship. It’s the bridge that connects two individuals, allowing them to share their thoughts, feelings, and experiences. In a marriage, effective communication can help resolve conflicts, build trust, and strengthen the bond between you and your husband.

According to a study by the University of Georgia, good communication is even more critical to a happy marriage than financial stability. The study found that couples who communicate effectively are more satisfied in their relationships, regardless of their financial situation.

Effective communication involves more than just talking. It’s about listening with empathy, understanding without judgment, and responding with kindness. It’s about expressing your love, appreciation, and concerns in a way that your husband can understand and appreciate.

Here are some tips to improve communication in your marriage:

  • Be open and honest: Share your thoughts, feelings, and experiences with your husband. Don’t hide your emotions or pretend to be okay when you’re not.
  • Listen with empathy: When your husband is talking, listen to understand, not to respond. Show empathy and understanding, even if you don’t agree with his point of view.
  • Use “I” statements: Instead of saying “You never help with the housework,” say “I feel overwhelmed when I have to do all the housework by myself.”
  • Practice active listening: Show your husband that you’re listening by nodding, maintaining eye contact, and responding appropriately.

Show Appreciation

Show appreciation

Appreciation goes a long way in building a strong marriage. Show gratitude for the little things your husband does and make him feel valued.

Appreciation is like the glue that holds a marriage together. It’s a powerful way to show your love, respect, and admiration for your husband. When you express appreciation, you’re not just acknowledging your husband’s efforts, but also affirming his worth and importance in your life.

According to a study by the University of North Carolina, couples who express appreciation for each other not only feel more positive about their relationship, but also feel more comfortable expressing concerns about their relationship. This shows that appreciation not only strengthens the bond between couples, but also fosters open and honest communication.

Showing appreciation doesn’t have to be grand or extravagant. It can be as simple as saying “thank you” for taking out the trash, complimenting your husband’s cooking, or leaving a sweet note in his lunch box. The key is to be genuine and consistent in your expressions of gratitude.

Here are some ways to show appreciation to your husband:

  • Say “thank you”: A simple “thank you” can go a long way in making your husband feel appreciated.
  • Give compliments: Compliment your husband on his looks, his skills, or his character. Make sure your compliments are sincere and specific.
  • Show affection: A hug, a kiss, or a loving touch can convey your appreciation more than words.
  • Surprise him: Plan a surprise date, cook his favorite meal, or buy him a gift to show your appreciation.

Keep the Spark Alive

Keep the spark alive

Keeping the romance alive is crucial for a lasting marriage. Plan surprise dates, leave love notes, or simply spend quality time together to keep the spark alive.

Marriage is a journey, and like any journey, it can sometimes become monotonous or routine. But with a little effort, you can keep the spark alive and make your marriage as exciting and fulfilling as it was in the beginning.

According to a study by the National Marriage Project, couples who engage in fun, novel activities are more satisfied with their marriages. This is because new experiences activate the brain’s reward system, releasing dopamine and norepinephrine, the same chemicals that are released during the early stages of romantic love.

Keeping the spark alive doesn’t require grand gestures or expensive gifts. It’s about creating shared experiences, expressing love and affection, and maintaining a sense of adventure in your relationship. Here are some ways to keep the spark alive in your marriage:

  • Plan surprise dates: Surprise your husband with a date to his favorite restaurant, a movie he’s been wanting to see, or a trip to a place he’s always wanted to visit.
  • Leave love notes: Leave a sweet note in his lunch box, on his pillow, or in his car. It’s a simple yet effective way to express your love and affection.
  • Spend quality time together: Set aside time each day to connect with your husband. It could be over a cup of coffee in the morning, a walk in the evening, or a quiet dinner at home.
  • Try new things together: Whether it’s learning a new language, trying a new sport, or exploring a new city, shared experiences can bring you closer and rekindle the spark in your relationship.


Improving as a wife is a continuous process. It requires patience, understanding, and a lot of love. Remember, every effort you put into being a better wife contributes to building a strong marriage.

Marriage is a journey of two people growing together. It’s about understanding each other’s needs, supporting each other’s dreams, and navigating life’s challenges together. As a wife, your role in this journey is crucial. Your love, respect, and commitment can make a significant difference in the quality and strength of your marriage.

Remember, being a better wife doesn’t mean being perfect. It means being the best you can be for your husband and your marriage. It means learning from your mistakes, growing from your experiences, and striving to be a better person every day.

So, keep learning, keep growing, and keep loving. Your efforts will not only make you a better wife but also contribute to a happier, stronger marriage. And remember, you’re not alone in this journey.

Your husband, too, has a crucial role to play. Together, you can build a marriage that is not just strong, but also fulfilling and joyful.

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