About Us

Sarah Foster

About us

Hello and welcome! My name is Sarah Foster, and I am a licensed Marriage and Family Therapist (MFT) based in the Washington area. My expertise lies in managing and resolving conflict arrangements within relationships and families. Over the years, I’ve encountered a myriad of situations and have gained invaluable insights into the dynamics of human relationships. This place is a reflection of those experiences. My primary goal is to share my knowledge and provide guidance to those navigating the complexities of relationships. If I can assist even one person through this platform, I’d consider it a success. Should you find yourself in need of personalized counseling or are facing a particularly delicate situation, please feel free to reach out. I am always here to help, and you can schedule an appointment with me at my office. Together, we can work towards building stronger, healthier relationships.

Filipe Moreira

About us

Hey there! I’m Filipe, the caffeine-fueled person behind the curtain taking care of all the technical mumbo-jumbo on this site. If you ever spot a glitch or a hiccup while browsing, chances are, I probably spilled some of my fifth coffee of the day on the server. My bad! On the plus side, being in a long-term relationship means I’ve picked up a thing or two about the ins and outs of love and partnership. So, while Sarah handles the professional advice, consider me your unofficial expert taking care of delivering the content. If anything goes haywire, shoot me a message. Just give me a moment to grab another coffee first!